
Rotten Denmark brings together several developments in Congressman John Conyer's ongoing investigation of sketchy business in the Ohio vote. Looks like his team's had less than perfect cooperation:
According to Joan Quinn and Eve Robertson, two election observers researching voting records, Greene County officials initially gave Quinn and Robertson access to poll records, and then abruptly withdrew such access. Greene County Director of Elections Carole Garman claimed that she had withdrawn access to the voting records at the direction of Secretary Blackwell. Regardless of who ordered the denial of this access, such an action appears to violate Ohio law. Later, at the same office, election observers found the office unlocked, and what appeared to be locked ballot boxes, unattended. Prior to the withdrawal of access to the books, observers had found discrepancies in election records, and possible evidence of minority vote suppression.
And one of the electronic voting companies doesn't seem to be behaving:
Hocking County deputy director of elections, Sherole Eaton, states in her affidavit that a representative of Triad Governmental Systems, the Ohio firm that created and maintains the vote-counting software in dozens of Ohio counties, made several adjustments to the Hocking County tabulator last Friday, in advance of the state's recount, which is taking place this week. (Conyers is now asking FBI and County prosecutor to investigate.) Programmer Clint Curtis testified that he designed a program to hack the vote in Florida for Congressman Feeney.
Wired News says Triad patched the computer:
Rep. John Conyers (D-Michigan), ranking Democrat of the House Judiciary Committee, sought the investigation after an Ohio election official disclosed in an affidavit (.pdf) that an employee of Triad Governmental Systems, the company that wrote voting software used with punch-card machines in 41 of Ohio's 88 counties, dismantled Hocking County's tabulation computer days before the recount and "put a patch on it."
Here's Clint Curtis' testimony on writing software to change the results:
Q: And if you had a recount and no paper trail, would that be, as soon as that had happened, would that be reversible by seeing the discrepancy between the tabulator, the central tabulator code, and what the individual machines which had not been tampered with code? A:Not if I wrote it. Q: Why not? In other words... A: In other words I could make it match.
Rumor is that Conyers is claiming the support of at least one Senator to demand answers in Congress. You can nudge them to do so here.


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