
Dean did an effective job making the case against the PATRIOT Act but framed in terms of stopping future assaults on civil liberties rather than calling to undo the recent ones. Why isn't anyone calling Edwards on his role in drafting it? Glad to see the way the rhetoric within the Democratic party has shifted over the past few years. Part of that, no doubt, is being out of power; part of that is the success of the "anti-globalization" movement in putting the issue, so to speak, on the map. For Dean to say that we've given global rights to corporations but not to workers is right on; to describe that as having done half the job but forgotten the other half smacks of a disingenuous attempt to reconcile his stance with his record. Kucinich laid out the case for single-payer health insurance clearly and sharply (and effectively dismissed the idea that the Clintons had pursued such a plan), and Sharpton made the compelling moral argument for such a system. What's most interesting to me about the other candidates' alternatives is that none of them mounted an argument (true, they're generally not very good ones) against such a system any stronger than Clark's "Let's fix the one we have."

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