Three days to Super Tuesday: Going into the final weekend, state Democratic leaders and aides to Mr. Edwards and Mr. Kerry said that Mr. Edwards's best hope for victories was in Ohio, Minnesota, Georgia and perhaps Maryland, based on public and private polls in recent days. Both campaigns were advertising, though not particularly heavily, in Georgia and Ohio, as well as New York, a state where Mr. Edwards hopes at least to win some delegates. But his campaign showed signs of distress as it struggled to cope with the huge playing field. Mr. Edwards changed his schedule at the last minute on Friday, scrapping a day of campaigning here after polls showed him facing a California drubbing by Mr. Kerry, and he headed for Minnesota in search of a state he could win on Tuesday. And Democratic leaders across the country, including many who continued to praise his political skills, said Mr. Edwards would have a tough time proceeding if he did not score victories on the biggest day of Democratic primary and caucus voting to date.

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