The AFL-CIO draws on the Trade Act of 1974 in a bid to hold the White House accountable for the impact of its free trade with China on workers there and here: "American workers are suffering, they're losing their jobs, they're losing hope," said Barbara Shailor, the A.F.L.-C.I.O.'s director of international affairs. "At the same time, Chinese workers are suffering under repressive conditions and are denied their most fundamental rights. Unless some action is taken to remedy this, we will see a continued hemorrhaging of jobs in the United States." The complaint comes as the Bush administration prepares for next month's visit to Washington by China's vice premier, Wu Yi, who will discuss trade and commercial conflicts between the two countries. The A.F.L.-C.I.O., which represents 13 million American workers, plans to file the complaint under Section 301 of the trade act, which makes it an unfair trade practice for countries to violate internationally recognized workers' rights.

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