Last month, Washington U. graduate students voted on whether to be represented by the Graduate Student Employee Action Coalition/ United Auto Workers (GSEAC/UAW); the results are to be tallied in twelve days. Unless, that is, Wash. U.'s administration goes the route of Penn, Brown, and Columbia: Intemann said she was optimistic about the outcome of the election, but expressed concern that the University is considering appealing the Public Employment Relations Committee (PERC) decision. "PERC ruled that there was a group of teaching assistants, research assistants, student and staff assistants, readers, tutors and graders, and some trainees and fellows who were eligible," Intemann said. According to Intemann, the University is contending that research assistants are not employees. As GET-UP chanted last week: We have the right to say yes.
About Me
- Name: Josh Eidelson
- Location: Sacramento, California, United States
Josh Eidelson received his Bachelor's and Master's Degrees in Political Science from Yale University, where he helped lead the Undergraduate Organizing Committee. He has written about local and national politics as an opinion columnist for the Yale DailyNews, a research fellow for Talking Points Media, and a contributor to Views expressed here are solely his own. Contact: "jeidelson" at "gmail" dot com.

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