Sandra Feldman, President of the 1.3 million member American Federation of Teachers, distinguished for her controversial opposition to No Child Left Behind, will not seek re-election do to her ongoing struggle with breast cancer: As you can imagine, this is not a decision I came by lightly," she said. "You all know how much the AFT, our members and all those we serve--especially the children--mean to me." Feldman said that she was confident the AFT would be "in great hands," praising AFT secretary-treasurer Edward J. McElroy and executive vice president Nat LaCour as "excellent, experienced leaders." The union's executive council, state and local leaders and staff, she added, "are the best in the country." The job ahead is daunting, she said, "but as a team, we've always risen to the occasion, and I know we will again now." Feldman cited the union's preparation for the November elections and its pivotal role in crucial races, as well as its role in fixing and fully funding ESEA without jettisoning standards and accountability. The AFT is also "in the fray on overtime and Medicare, prescription drugs, nurse-patient ratios and on and on--right where we should be."

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