
Andy Stern from the SEIU Convention: People are gathering here in San Francisco for the SEIU convention, and I'm struck by how different it will be from the stereotype of a union convention. No long parade of political speakers saying nice things but making no commitments. No nice sounding resolutions that there is neither the strength nor the will to carry out. Instead, it's delegates representing 1.6 million members from every part of the U.S., Canada, and Puerto Rico -- meeting to make decisions that matter -- to our families, our communities, and all working people. Deciding to take the next steps to build strong, national unions in hospitals, long-term care, public service, and building service. Deciding to not just talk the talk but to walk the walk when it comes to helping workers in the South and Southwest to join unions and give working people national strength in dealing with corporations and public officials. Deciding to work with other unions to fundamentally change the labor movement's structure, culture, and priorities to give working people a fighting chance to win again. Deciding to do our part to build a real global labor movement that has common strategies across borders to deal with the same employers and industries. Deciding to build an Internet-based network of people in every community who want to take local action for workers' rights and to be members of the SEIU family. And joining with thousands of others all across the country tomorrow to bridge the Golden Gate and dozens of sites across the country for affordable, quality health care for all...


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