
Seeking majority support for his Gaza disengagement plan within his own cabinet, Ariel Sharon fires two of its farthest right-wing members: Prime Minister Ariel Sharon fired National Union ministers Avigdor Lieberman and Benny Elon on Friday morning in a bid get the revised disengagement plan passed in the cabinet Sunday. However, Elon said he would do everything he could to avoid accepting the dismissal notice, so that Sharon would not have a majority in favor of the plan. According to Army Radio, Elon was in the Gaza Strip settlement of Netzarim. Speaking on Israel Radio, Elon said Sharon had called him to tell him he was fired, but that the dismissal was not official until he received the letter. In any case, he said, he could not verify the phone call was actually from Sharon. "I will do everything I can so that there won't be a majority," Elon said. Lieberman received his dismissal notice around 11 A.M. Friday. Couriers were sent to hand-deliver the dismissal letters to the rightist ministers after they failed to show up at the Prime Minister's Office at 9 A.M. as summoned. The dismissals take effect 48 hours after Lieberman and Elon receive them.


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