New Jersey Governor Jim McGreevey announces his resignation: ``My truth is, I am a gay American,'' Mr. McGreevey said in a short speech that was televised live from Trenton. ``I engaged in an adult consensual affair with another man,'' he said, adding that ``it was wrong, it was foolish, it was inexcusable'' and that it violated the bonds of his marriage. Mr. McGreevey said he was making the intensely personal announcement that he is gay known for the first time in a public statement because he feared that keeping silent would open up the governor's office to rumors, accusations and threats. ``So I am removing these threats by telling you directly about my sexuality,'' he said. ``I have decided the right course of action is to resign,'' he said, adding that his resignation would be effective on Nov. 15. When Mr. McGreevey, whose four-year term expires in January 2006, steps down this November, the law calls for the president of the State Senate, Richard J. Codey, to fill in as governor. Mr. McGreevey, however, did more than just hand off the office he held for two and a half years. He put together an exit strategy that will allow Mr. Codey to serve as governor until 2006, and run as an incumbent in November 2005, should he choose to do so. Had Mr. McGreevey stepped down immediately, Mr. Codey would have been able to serve only until a special election could be held in November.

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