
John Kerry calls George Bush on his hypocrisy on assault weapons: 'Four years ago,' Mr. Kerry said in St. Louis, 'George Bush said he'd stand with and protect America's police officers by extending the assault-weapons ban, which keeps the most dangerous assault weapons off our streets, the same weapons that America's police officers want off our streets, not just to fight ordinary crime but to take on terrorists. 'In fact,' the Democratic presidential candidate went on, 'an Al Qaeda training manual recovered in Afghanistan included a chapter urging terrorists to get assault weapons in the United States. Why is George Bush making the job of the terrorists easier and making the job for America's police officers harder?' Mr. Kerry answered his question by asserting that the National Rifle Association had 'put the squeeze on George Bush, and they're spending tens of millions of dollars to support his campaign.' 'So now,' Mr. Kerry continued, 'the president is saying with a wink and a smile that he'll extend the assault weapons ban if Congress sends it to him. And Congress says they'll send it to him if he asks for it.'


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