
So far, it's been a week of high-profile defections from the Bush-Cheney Campaign and the Bush agenda. Paul Bremer, who ran the American occupation, is calling the administration out on costly errors: White House officials today found themselves explaining recent remarks by the former top American administrator in Baghdad, L. Paul Bremer III, that the United States did not have enough troops in Iraq and had "paid a big price" for it. In a speech on Monday to an insurance conference in White Sulphur Springs, West Va., Mr. Bremer said that when he arrived in Baghdad on May 6, 2003, after the fall of Saddam Hussein, there was "horrid" looting going on. "We paid a big price for not stopping it because it established an atmosphere of lawlessness," Mr. Bremer said. "We never had enough troops on the ground." In a Sept. 16 speech at DePauw University, Mr. Bremer said that he raised his concerns about inadequate troop levels a number of times within the administration, but that he should have been `even more insistent" when no action was taken. Mr. Bush has asserted a number of times that there were as many troops in Iraq as the military deemed necessary. Mr. Bremer, whose remarks were first reported Monday in The Washington Post, served for more than a year in Iraq, up until the handover of power on June 28. Senator Chafee is voting for a write-in: For Mr. Chafee, who was a prep school buddy of the president's brother Jeb and whose father, the late Senator John Chafee, was close to the first President Bush, that day was the beginning of an estrangement with the president, whom he had worked to elect. In the months since, he has opposed Mr. Bush on everything from tax cuts to gay marriage and the war in Iraq. Now, this life-long Republican has concluded that he cannot cast his ballot for the leader of his party. "I'll vote Republican," he said, explaining that he would choose a write-in candidate, perhaps George Bush the elder, as a symbolic act of protest. Asked if he wanted Senator John Kerry to be president, Mr. Chafee shook his head sadly, as if to say he could not entertain the question. "I've been disloyal enough," he said. And John McCain's Communications Director for the past few years is voting for Kerry: A man who until last week was one of Sen. John McCain's top aides is endorsing John Kerry for president, asserting that President Bush and Vice President Dick Cheney have "waged an unprecedentedly cynical and divisive campaign."...Wittmann said the point he is making is that the Bush administration has "betrayed" efforts to create a new politics of national greatness and unity in the aftermath of 9/11 through its divisive tax policies and the war in Iraq. Bush did not invent our enemies, Wittmann writes. "But, despite all his bravado and swagger, he has made it more difficult to build a domestic and international political coalition to ultimately prevail against our terrorist adversaries. He has bred distrust by driving a cynical partisan agenda that seeks to reward the wealthy, while branding his political adversaries as vaguely unpatriotic." This is probably not how Bush and Cheney were hoping to go into this week's debates.


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