Guest-blogging over at Ezra Klein's site (mazal tov!), Dan Munz is suggesting the possibility of a Mfume v. Steele Maryland Senate race as a chance for Democrats to take on and shoot down the GOP argument that Democrats take Black voters for granted. I think Dan's absolutely right that a concerted, rigorous response from the Democrats is long overdue. I'd say part of the problem, though, is that the Democratic party establishment does indeed take Black voters for granted, in much the same way it takes most chunks of the party's base - union voters for example - for granted, and in a way the GOP simply doesn't treat it's own base. Wherever one comes down on the Katha Pollitt vs. Thomas Frank debate on whether or not evangelicals who vote Republican to erode reproductive choice get their money's worth, the Republican party makes a serious, year-in and year-out campaign of selling itself to its base while the Democratic party more often treats its base like the weird uncle who always shows up drunk to Thanksgiving (the pundits who complain about how short-sighted the NAACP is for wanting Democrats to swing by when the NRA doesn't ask the same of Republicans might spend their energies better considering why the parties' records might leave NAACP members with more concerns about how loyal the candidates they vote for will be). Granted, President Bush's appeal to Black voters to better defend their interests by spreading their votes more evenly is pure condescending silliness (I'd like to see him apply the same logic to, say, Enron executives: "As long as you all keep voting for us, what incentive do we have to keep giving you those invisible handjobs?"). More fundamentally, of course, the problem with Bush's case is the idea that Democrats brazenly push forward with liberal policies they know are bad for their Black constituents. The reality, unfortunately, is that Democrats tend not to do nearly enough brazenly pushing forward with much of anything. The problem isn't that the Democrats are too far left; the problem (I know I know, I'm the guy with the hammer, and look - it's another nail!) is that the Democrats are failing Black constituents, as well as White ones, by not offering a program or an approach that's progressive enough. The Republicans are hard at work rolling back the gains of the Civil Rights Movement, while the Democrats, even when they had branches of government of work from, have shown precious little initiative in extending them. Republican national candidates have mastered the art of the coded appeal to racist voters, while Democratic candidates remain anxious about looking like they're trying too hard to attract Black voters (or, god forbid, "dependent" on them). What might an aggressive Civil Rights agenda look like? An aggressive push for comprehensive voting reform, including a constitutional individual right to vote, uniform standards for ballot access and machinery, paper trails, and abolition of felon voter disenfranchisement. An aggressive push to transform the crimminal justice system into one which takes seriously the equal protection rights of Americans of different races and classes and which rehabilitates rather than stigmatizing those who pass through it. An aggressive push for drastically increased investment in education at all levels. An aggressive push to raise the minimum wage and strengthen the right to organize. An aggressive push to strengthen anti-discrimination legislation. An aggressive push for universal health care. An aggressive push for real affordable housing. That would be a start. Some of these areas have attained greater prominence in the Democratic party's agenda of late, to a lot of people's credit; others are still waiting. As Dr. King observed not long before death, the reforms that will achieve real progress in Civil Rights will cost billions. All of these reforms are changes in which Americans of all races have a stake, and which could be achieved such that the great majority of Americans would benefit. And this summer in Florida, I had infinitely more conversations with African-Americans reluctant to register to vote because of the party's silence or meekness on continuing the progressive work of the Civil Rights movement than because they wanted school vouchers or felt demeaned by affirmative action or were scared of gay people. So yes, the Democrats need better answers to the Republicans' cynical appeals to Black voters, and they need candidates who are better at articulating them. But any message which boils down to "No, Democrats don't take [you/us] for granted, they care about [you/us] very much" is doomed to fail. What the Democrats need, as Al Sharpton put it several times during the Presidential debates, is candidates who can give the donkey the kick it needs (not something Sharpton accomplished a great deal at). And the most powerful kicks tend not to come from candidates at all. As much as Dan talks about a "traditional" relationship between Democrats and Black voters, the tradition is fundamentally one of tension and contestation, one which envelops both Jack Kennedy's supportive call to Coretta Scott King and Bobby Kennedy's call to John Lewis pleading him to cancel the freedom rides. As with so many other cases, the job facing the leaders of the Democratic party is as much about improving its record as defending it.
About Me
- Name: Josh Eidelson
- Location: Sacramento, California, United States
Josh Eidelson received his Bachelor's and Master's Degrees in Political Science from Yale University, where he helped lead the Undergraduate Organizing Committee. He has written about local and national politics as an opinion columnist for the Yale DailyNews, a research fellow for Talking Points Media, and a contributor to Views expressed here are solely his own. Contact: "jeidelson" at "gmail" dot com.

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I think you and Alek shoudl have a contest to determine which one of you can fit more problematicallyy gendered metaphors for capitalist accumulation in one blog post. Thus far, invisible handjob is in the lead.
me too. i was imagining what an invisible handjob might actually be like.
whoa nelly!
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probably a lot like Bruce Alexander
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