As if the zeal of Big Business and its congressional representatives to shred the protections which save workers' lives and to exploit the vulnerability of undocumented immigrants weren't outrageous enough, earlier this month the Immigration and Customs Enforcement agency found a particularly cynical way to meld the two: dressing up as safety instructors to lure 48 undocumented immigrants to what was ostensibly a mandatory OSHA meeting and then arresting them. This shameful approach strikes twice at workers' rights by increasing undocumented workers' insecurity and suspectibility to management coercion and decreasing trust in the agency charged with protecting those workers' lives from management cost-cutting and carelessness. As UFCW President Joe Hansen said today:
The word being brought back to worksites, after a scam like this, is that OSHA can’t be trusted. That kind of perception diminishes OSHA’s ability to do the critical work of protecting America’s labor force...This unscrupulous action has shattered the trust between OSHA and the workers who depend on the agency the most. More and more often, it is immigrants who work in the most dangerous industries such as construction or meatpacking. How can OSHA reach these at-risk workers with safety information now?As the UFCW points out, over two-thirds of the victims of injury and death on the job are Latino.

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