Friday, Barack Obama wrote a response to blogospheric criticism of his criticism from the Senate floor of advocacy groups which were condemning Senators who voted to confirm Roberts (Obama himself voted against confirmation). He makes some points I agree with, and some I don't. Most frustrating, though - and all the more so given his gift as a writer - are the arguments which sound nice but whose meanings are difficult to tease out at all. Like this one:
My colleague from Illinois, Dick Durbin, spoke out forcefully - and voted against - the Iraqi invasion. He isn't somehow transformed into a "war supporter" - as I've heard some anti-war activists suggest - just because he hasn't called for an immediate withdrawal of American troops. He may be simply trying to figure out, as I am, how to ensure that U.S. troop withdrawals occur in such a way that we avoid all-out Iraqi civil war, chaos in the Middle East, and much more costly and deadly interventions down the road. A pro-choice Democrat doesn't become anti-choice because he or she isn't absolutely convinced that a twelve-year-old girl should be able to get an operation without a parent being notified. A pro-civil rights Democrat doesn't become complicit in an anti-civil rights agenda because he or she questions the efficacy of certain affirmative action programs. And a pro-union Democrat doesn't become anti-union if he or she makes a determination that on balance, CAFTA will help American workers more than it will harm them.There are several ways to read this argument: One is that what matters is a politician's values, and not individual votes, and so it's wrong to call a politician "anti-civil rights" for casting votes which hurt the cause of civil rights. The problem with this argument is that we elect representatives to cast good votes, not to personally sympathize with us and our values. Another is that none of us has the right to decide what these labels mean - that it's arrogant and inappropriate for pro-choice activists to tell politicians what it should mean to be pro-choice. The problem with this argument is that there's no point in working to advance the cause of "choice" in general if that excludes advancing a particular understanding of what is and is not pro-choice policy. While it's arguable whether or not the movement would be served by more politicians claiming the pro-choice mantle without changing their policy positions, but it certainly be insufficient. Another argument which could Obama could be making here is that is that immediate troop withdrawl from Iraq, opposition to parental notification laws, defense of affirmative action from "questioning," and opposition to CAFTA are not in fact serving the goals of the anti-war, pro-choice, civil rights, and labor movements, respectively. In other words, he could argue against the positions he thinks Democratic senators are wrongly being held to on the merits. But if there's any such criticism here, it's only implicit (Obama, for the record, voted against CAFTA in the Senate, voted against parental notification in the Illinois Senate, and is not calling for an immediate withdrawl of all US troops). Given that Obama seems not to be articulating that argument, he could be arguing that these particular issues are just not important enough to make a big deal of. But it's hard to imagine the groups he names not putting up a fight over these issues, and it would be hard to believe that Obama would expect them not to. CAFTA was the first comprehensive trade deal to come before the Congress under Bush, crafted to erode worker protections which accelerating the race to the bottom. Parental notification policies are, along with denial of government funding, one of the major policy impediments to women's substantive exercise of their right to choose. A more spurious argument which Obama seems implicitly to be making through questionable word choice is that the problem with these left-wing advocacy groups is that they're out to restrict elected officials' freedom of expression by punishing them for not being "absolutely convinced" on parental notification or "making a determination" they don't like on CAFTA. To the extent that advocacy groups criticize elected officials for critical public statements, they're not chilling speech - they're responding to it, and I'd say there are some criticisms which are deserved and others which aren't. But phrases like Obama's here aren't really about speech - they're about votes. To describe a pro-choice group as punishing a legislator for not being convinced of something conjures up Orwellian images, but what pro-choice groups are taking legislators to task for isn't private thoughts - it's how they legislate. The final argument that I think could reasonably be read from this paragraph, is that advocacy groups shouldn't expect politicians to vote the way they want all of the time. But why not? Certainly, it would be a poor tactical choice for such groups to predict that everyone they want will vote however they want all of the time. But given the premise that their positions are the right ones (and with the exception of immediate and total withdrawl, I believe they are, and Obama seems to as well), shouldn't support of all of their positions be the standard against which they judge elected officials? Does Obama really expect the National Council of La Raza to make public statements like, "Sadly, the Senator is only 85% of the way to casting votes to extend rather than restrict civil rights at least 60% of the time"? Elected officials, locally as well as nationally, often revel in disparaging "activists" for failure to understand the necessity of compromise. The first problem with that critique is that too often, the compromises are bad ones. The second is that the way we get good compromises is by having leaders on our side who are willing to take strong stands in the face of opposition. Obviously, writing a politician off as not worth working with in the future because of a vote on a particular issue is just bad politics - if you're not organizing them, someone else is. But there's a difference between writing off politicians who cast bad votes and being willing to publicly point out that those votes are bad. Voting for CAFTA may not make an otherwise pro-union legislator anti-union for good, but those of us who believe voting against CAFTA is the right vote and the pro-union vote to cast are, it seems to me, obligated to regard a politician who votes for CAFTA as less pro-union than if she hadn't. Otherwise, we might as well pack up and go home. Or maybe all Obama was trying to say was that left advocates should soften their rhetoric. I don't think describing a Senator who votes to confirm a nominee for Chief Justice as in some way "complicit" in particularly aggregious decisions that Justice makes on the court is in any way out of bounds (and yes, that means Russ Feingold, of whom I remain a big fan, bears some degree of responsibility for what Justice Roberts does on the court). And I don't think the left or the country are well-served when advocacy groups whose fundamental mission is an ideological one, not a partisan one, hold their fire in taking politicians of one party to task for actions for which they would condemn members of the other. Is there some exaggerated, over-the-top, nastily personal rhetoric out there? Of course. But if that's what Obama takes issue with, he could have found a clearer way to say it.

You've created confusion where there should be none. Obama is merely pointing out that a person's perspectives should not be pigeon-holed into an extreme position because of a lack of support for the opposite extreme. Try seeing things from a broader perspective. It seems you've spent too much time analyzing the individual components of his arguement without considering the merits of the statement as a whole.
I agree with Eldridge- Obama's statement was rational and sensible to the point of being self-evident. How could a conscientious legislator NOT evaluate the context, effects and mitigating details of each bill presented? Especially when said bill involves extraordinarily complex issues? I wouldn't expect anything less.
Like the two above me are saying, all Obama is saying that one person doesn't switch sides because he disagrees or questions a few of the the policies and standings of their alignment.
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