
One of the benefits of the constant Yale strike coverage on this site, no doubt, has been the lack of discussion of (or fictional narratives built around) the California Recall. It is worth noting, however, that Darell Issa, whose sowed the recall with his personal cash, is now reaping what he's afraid will be a trainwreck. Now he's urging Californians to vote against - yes, against - the recall unless Schwarzenegger or McClintock follows Issa and Uberoth and drops out to leave a single major Republican contender. Whether McClintock would still consider it is an open question; whether the ideological stalwarts (I use that phrase generally approvingly) planning to vote for him and draw votes away from Arnold with the Governorship of the largest state at stake would vote for the socially-liberal Arnold even if McClintock took himself out of the race is another.

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