
Former Chief Weapons Inspector David Kay is now calling for an independent inquiry into how he and others in the "intelligence community" came to faulty conclusions about Iraq's weapons: "We were almost all wrong, and I certainly include myself here," Dr. Kay said. Dr. Kay said that "limited data" fed a widely held view among intelligence agencies and governments that Mr. Hussein had weapons of mass destruction. That view was seized upon by the White House in justifying its decision to invade Iraq last year. "We've got enough history to understand that closed orders and secret societies, whether they be religious or governmental, are the groups that have the hardest time reforming themselves in the face of failure without outside input," he said. He told the Senators that an "outside inquiry" would "give yourself and the American people the confidence that you have done it."] Kay is very careful, however, not to implicate the President in the formation of the faulty conclusions he used to drive the country to war.


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