
The ACLU castigates the Pentagon for stonewalling its Freedom of Information Act request for information about abuse of Iraqi prisoners - seven months ago: The Defense Department argued that the material was not "breaking news" and that the failure to expedite the request would not "endanger the life or safety of any individual." Full compliance with the request, the ACLU said, would have required the Defense Department to release records related to the emerging scandal at Abu Ghraib. It would also have required the release of records describing any measures taken by the Defense Department to prevent torture and abuse. "It's obviously in the Pentagon's self-interest to withhold information that could damage its reputation, but America's reputation is damaged more by cover ups and a lack of transparency," said ACLU Executive Director Anthony D. Romero. "This is just further evidence that 'trust us' simply isn't an acceptable response to public concerns in a constitutional democracy like America."


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