
Kevin Drum on Tony Blankley on George Soros: Translation: he's a Jew-hating Jew, he's a greedy Jew, he's a conniving and heartless Jew, he's an atheistic Jew, and he's a Jew who must have been (if you get my drift, wink wink) a Nazi collaborator. Anyone who's not a child knows perfectly well what Blankley was saying here. Conservatives routinely jump on every alleged piece of anti-Semitism out of France as proof of European moral decrepitude, and here at home they can get seriously bent out of shape by nothing more than liberals using Jewish names as examples of neocons (i.e., Kristol, Feith, Perle, Wolfowitz). But Blankley's transparently racist imagery hasn't caused much of a ripple. Eugene Volokh has an extremely mild rebuke, but that's about it. Nada from Instapundit, Sullivan, The Corner, Den Beste, or LGF, despite the fact that anti-Semitism is part of their regular beat.


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