
"I'm going to apply the Bush standard to this," Mr. Kerry said. "Yesterday, George Bush said, and I quote him: 'A political candidate who jumps to conclusions without knowing the facts is not a person you want as your commander in chief when it comes to your security.' '' "Well, Mr. President, I agree with you," he said, adding that Mr. Bush had "jumped to conclusions" on links between President Saddam Hussein and the Sept. 11 attacks, on Iraq's unconventional weapons and on how Iraqis would greet American troops. "Mr. President, here are the facts that every American can understand, it seems, except for you," he said of the explosives. "They're not where they're supposed to be. You were warned to guard them. You didn't guard them. They're not secure. "And guess what? According to George Bush's own words, he shouldn't be our commander in chief. And I couldn't agree more."


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