
A vile attack on gay Americans and on free expression:
Republican Alabama lawmaker Gerald Allen says homosexuality is an unacceptable lifestyle. As CBS News Correspondent Mark Strassmann reports, under his bill, public school libraries could no longer buy new copies of plays or books by gay authors, or about gay characters. "I don't look at it as censorship," says State Representative Gerald Allen. "I look at it as protecting the hearts and souls and minds of our children."...Allen originally wanted to ban even some Shakespeare. After criticism, he narrowed his bill to exempt the classics, although he still can't define what a classic is. Also exempted now Alabama's public and college libraries. Librarian Donna Schremser fears the "thought police," would be patrolling her shelves. "And so the idea that we would have a pristine collection that represents one political view, one religioius view, that's not a library,'' says Schremser.
For now, the bill failed to pass because of the lack of a quoroum.


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