The Associated Press finally states the obvious: the White House hasn't told the American people the truth:
The vice president's chief of staff, Lewis Libby, was a source along with the president's chief political adviser for a Time story that identified a CIA officer, the magazine reporter said Sunday, further countering White House claims that neither aide was involved in the leak...Until last week, the White House had insisted for nearly two years that Libby and Rove had no connection to the leak...The White House refused last week to repeat its denials about Rove's involvement.And as Matt Cooper's account of his testimony demonstrates, Rove's apologists are still lying on his behalf:
I recall saying something like, "I'm writing about Wilson," before he interjected. "Don't get too far out on Wilson," he told me...I did not learn her name until the following week, when I either saw it in Robert Novak's column or Googled her, I can't recall which. Rove did, however, clearly indicate that she worked at the "agency"--by that, I told the grand jury, I inferred that he obviously meant the CIA and not, say, the Environmental Protection Agency. Rove added that she worked on "WMD" (the abbreviation for weapons of mass destruction) issues and that she was responsible for sending Wilson. This was the first time I had heard anything about Wilson's wife...I have a distinct memory of Rove ending the call by saying, "I've already said too much."...Rove may have testified that we had talked about welfare reform, and indeed earlier in the week, I may have left a message with his office asking if I could talk to him about welfare reform. But I can't find any record of talking about it with him on July 11, and I don't recall doing so.So much for claims that Joe Wilson came up in passing in an interview on welfare reform, or that Rove didn't leak anything new about his wife.

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