
The latest in the "funny if it weren't so sad" department: The latest issue of Mother Jones Magazine, at the top of page twenty (for those of you following along at home), has an ad for The New School with an image of the statue of liberty with a flag covering her mouth and the question, "Must we dismantle democracy at home in order to export it overseas?" The New School, accordng to the ad, "helps you find answers." That's right - this is the same New School that, in defiance of its liberal reputation and the principles of liberal democracy, refused to recognize a vote by its graduate students for a union on the grounds that the percentage turnout - while higher than that which elected its President to the Senate - was too low. Many alternative ads come to mind, perhaps involving a grad student with their mouth covered by Bob Kerrey and the question "Must we dismantle democracy in our schools in order to teach it?" Readers are encouraged to send more ideas, or to lay their own ads out if they're more artistic than myself.


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