
My YDN op-ed on the aforementioned flag-burning amendment is on-line here: On Saturday, Military Intelligence Specialist Armin Cruz testified that he "ordered three naked prisoners to crawl along a concrete floor, handcuffed them and stepped on at least one of them," according to the Associated Press. His conviction represents the second sentencing -- the first of intelligence personnel -- in connection with the torture of Iraqi prisoners at Abu Ghraib prison. As The New York Times observed in an editorial Tuesday, "After months of Senate hearings and eight Pentagon investigations, it is obvious that the Bush administration does not intend to hold any high-ranking official accountable for the nightmare at Abu Ghraib." Faced with the executive branch's abdication in the face of this desecration of the dignity of the flag, one might look to Congress for moral leadership. Instead, the Senate is currently approaching a vote in the next month on a constitutional amendment, already approved by the House, to "prohibit the physical desecration of the flag of the United States."


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